Our Products

We’re an advanced, flexible, and dynamic production company, constantly focused on meeting customer and target market needs.

  • New Products

    New Products

    Products designed with Industry 4.0 in mind, communicating autonomously with companies’ machinery networks, thus optimising time, costs and productivity in general.

  • Temperature Control Of Mv Cast Resin And Dry Type Transformers

    Temperature Control Of Mv Cast Resin And Dry Type Transformers

    Standard devices for temperature control of cast resin and dry type transformers.

  • Temperature Control Of Oil Power And Hermetically Sealed Transformers

    Temperature Control Of Oil Power And Hermetically Sealed Transformers

    Electronic devices for temperature control of oil power and hermetically sealed transformers.

  • Temperature Control Systems For Electrical Machines

    Temperature Control Systems For Electrical Machines

    Devices for temperature control of electrical machines (including motors, transformers, etc.).

  • Forced Ventilation Systems

    Forced Ventilation Systems

    On-board forced ventilation systems that allow the transformer to maintain an optimum temperature while increasing safety, even in the case of momentary higher loads. Available in various versions depending on the application.

  • Accessories And Temperature Sensors

    Accessories And Temperature Sensors

    Wiring boxes for probes, temperature sensors, extension cables, etc.

  • Ethernet: Connectivity And Data Management

    Ethernet: Connectivity And Data Management

    Devices that can connect via the company network (e.g. Ethernet) or a browser (via WiFi) to existing machinery, allowing remote configuration, real-time monitoring and troubleshooting.

  • Control Panels And More

    Control Panels And More

    Custom Control Panels and wiring. Patented systems for monitoring the environmental conditions of electrical substations.

Why choose TECSYSTEM

Work smarter with a deep bench of experienced, specialized legal talent to drive internal business initiatives.




Ventilation Systems


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Get started with TECSYSTEM

Get started with TECSYSTEM

A wide range of electronic and electromechanical devices, developed for the temperature control of
electrical machines as: transformers, motors, generators and gen-sets.